On February 7th, I was so blessed to have 2 of my best friends, Melissa and Jen, throw me a FABULOUS baby shower! They had it at the beautiful home of Sheila & Waenard Miller in Frisco. The invitations were just adorable and fit my personality & baby room colors perfectly! They catered from Celebrity bakery (one of my Mom and I's favorite places to lunch!) and everything was just delish! Everything was decorated in pink and black! So cute! They even made 2 diaper cakes that were just so sweet! We played a celebrity baby matching game, don't say the word "baby", and then at the end everyone wrote down their advice or sweet words for the baby which were tied to balloons and let go at the end! I was so happy to have all of our friends and family there! It was a great day and I couldn't have asked for anything more! Plus I'm pretty sure Lily now has a headband to match every outfit (thanks to Meme) and a tutu for every day of the week! She is going to be one well dressed baby! :)