This is the first time I have posted in 2 months. I decided to just post a lot of pics of Lily! She has been growing so much!
She can smile!
She can roll over (but only to the LEFT).
She can sleep through the night!! YAY!!
For some reason she is so OVER her swing.
Will sit in the Bumbo for about 5-10minutes but then gets bored!
Is soooo good when we take her out in public!

This is a sentimental pic of Lily in the outfit I wore on the airplane over to America! I was about her age when I met my parents for the 1st time!

Daddy and Lily watching the Fireworks!

Our 1st 4th of July as a family of 3! The quintessential summer family photo ...

Lily fell asleep on Papa K!

Casey's 1st Father's Day!

Where's Lily?!

Lily in her "Future Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader" Outfit at Baby Bryce's Baby Shower on June 14th!

Lily and her Meme talking & smiling - They have so much fun together!

Lily in her little bath towel!

Lily being cute celebrating her Meme's birthday. Her cousin Preston was sweet enough to let her sit in his chair.

1st time in the Bumbo! Isn't it cute that look on her face? It's like why are you guys sitting over there and I am here?!