All the books and everyone I have talked to says you can't feel the baby move until about 20 weeks, especially if it is your first! However, I think I felt the baby at about 16 and then just recently this week (18). It felt like a flutter! It was very quick though. So who knows! Everyone seems to have a lot of ideas and advice, so it will be interesting to see what Casey and I stick with. Only 2 more weeks until we find out the sex of the baby! I hope the baby is facing the right way and that nothing is hididng...if you know what I mean! Casey's step-mom told me how she thought her last baby was a girl until HE was born! His part must have been out of glimpse in the ultra-sound. I have been doing some research on-line and in-store for cribs, bedding, gliders and more! I can't wait to start decorating the nursery! Also, on a side note, I think I am just now starting to show a little bump! I had a dream a few weeks ago that it was a boy...so wonder if it will prove to be true. We did the Chinese calendar and it said it should be a girl. Mom and Lynn are thinking (or hoping) it will be a girl. Everyone at work says boy. I have been craving salty foods, but then again I usually go for salty over sweet any day. Casey is the one with the sweet tooth in the family...
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